This was Grace's first "free dress" day at school. The kids all dressed as hippies, as a surprise to their principal, who was turning 40! Isn't she precious? I took Grace to the fabric store and she helped pic out the fabric and design it. Two nights of sewing later... it was done!
I'm Julia, a mom to 2 Pouty Princesses. We live in Sugar Land, Texas. Life is sweet :)
Jeremy is the father to 2 Pouty Princesses, and works as a Marine Superintendent for a drilling contractor.
She's 6 years old and attends first grade at an awesome school right down the street. Grace is a sweet and loving child and loves all things artsy!
Our sweet baby girl is 3 years old. She attends preschool 2 mornings a week, but wishes she could go to school every day like her big sister! She is sweet and spirited and a joy to be around.