Wednesday, September 2, 2009

why do I worry like I do?

Marion's first time on the big swingset!

Remember all the stressing I did over Marion's hypotonia? The blood work came back normal and her pediatrician referred her for physical therapy. I decided to go through the Early Intervention program and take advantage of some tax dollars at work! Today an occupational therapist came to our house to evaluate her. The results...

She tested right on target at 7 months for both gross and fine motor skills. I was basically told that the standards I was comparing her to were too high. I know that all babies develop differently, but it's still hard impossible not to compare.

I do still feel like she's a little floppy and behind, but I am also reassured. I know that Marion demonstrated her abilities well and that she was scored very accurately. I thought a while about getting a second opinion, but I don't think I will at this time. They offered to come back in two months and reassess, and I will definitely take them up on that :)

1 comment:

Nana said...

Good news!(I was helping you worry) She's such a sweetie!