Friday, April 30, 2010

marion blythe at 15 months

Marion Blythe
15 months

My sweet baby is 15 months old now... and still very much a baby to me :). She has gone from very easy going to very assertive - she now knows what she wants and just how to get it!! Grace even told me last week, "Mom, I think Marion likes how she gets to be bad all the time and never go to time out." Ha! It really caught me off guard. Marion probably is getting old enough for an occasional time out, but I think I'll hold off a bit longer.She is still a bit behind on her gross motor skills. She pulls up on everything and cruises, and she climbs like a wild woman.... actually, she does everything but stand alone and walk. She doesn't try. In fact, her physical therapist and pediatrician both seem to think she is capable of standing alone and walking... if only she would try!

*Marion had her 15 month checkup today. She got 3 shots... ouch! She weighed 23 pounds and was 30 inches long, 50th percentile for both height and weight.

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