Tuesday, July 20, 2010

my little walker

"Yeah, she walks. I mean, it's not like it's her primary mode of transportation or anything, but yeah, she can walk."

I've heard myself saying this over and over for the past 6 weeks or so. Today, 2 days shy of her 18 month birthday, it changed. Today, Marion walked more than she crawled. Not just because I stayed on her little hiney all day about it (okay, maybe a little), but because she really wanted to. She likes to walk now, and can be found spontaneously popping up and toddling all over the house.

So, just when it was starting to seem that little Marion would stay a baby forever, she seems to be growing up all too fast. I know she's a bit overdue to be walking; but I'll still miss my baby that has me so wrapped around her little finger, she's been riding around on my hip for the past 8 months pointing me in which direction I should walk! Seriously, she's got me down! After her first session of physical therapy, I was told she was a lazy baby. That's okay with me, I just got to enjoy my "baby" for a little longer :)

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