Monday, August 8, 2011

Fourth of July (hello iPad!)

It's our Hattiesburg Fourth of July tradition, the BIG fireworks show at the BIG Baptist church right by our house. It's so much fun. They invite the whole town out, and have great bands, fun jumps and games for the kids, and food.

This year, something extra special happened. They had a raffle that was free to enter, and only open to non-members of the church. How cool is that?! They wanted to see who all was visiting. Anyway, they were giving away a new 32gb iPad 2 with 3G. I hushed my family right before they called out the winner. Jeremy told me to look around, and that we would never win, there were too many people there. Well, guess what? HE WON!!! Ever generous, he handed that baby right over to me :) We all love our new toy!!

Oh, the fireworks were pretty cool again too... but that happens every year ;)

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