Friday, September 16, 2011

Gulf Shores 2011

We spent a week in Gulf Shores last summer for our family vacation. We stayed in a condo next door to friends at a fun complex with a really nice pool and tennis courts. We had a few days of beautiful weather and a few days of rain, but still had a great time!

The seaweed was plentiful :) I don't remember ever seeing so much of it before, but maybe it's because I got spoiled in Mexico!

It took some coaxing to get Grace out into the boat, but once she got in, she loved it!

Mermaid Marion

Jeremy and Marion hunting crabs! I had never done this before Mandi and Josh introduced us to it 2 years ago. It's super fun!!
Grace is a fish in the pool!

Marion loves the pool, as long as she can touch the bottom!

Now, for my funny story of the trip: We booked a dolphin cruise, and we were really excited about it! The morning of trip came and the weather was dark and gloomy. We loaded up in the car anyway, because the boat captain was supposed to call us if it was a no-go due to weather. We were told all about his special on-board radar. Anyway, on the way there, it staring pouring. Not a little, I'm talking crashing lightening, should we pull over to the side of the road weather. Anyway, we got there and waited, and waited a bit longer. It never got any better. We finally gave up. Jeremy and I were heart broken, we had been really looking forward to it. We called our friends who had given up a while before us and were headed back. They were taking their kiddos to the shops; the one with the big shark head that you enter through, and the one with the massive purple octopus in front. I asked my girls if they wanted to join them. I got an ecstatic YES!! from the backseat. We spent about $5.00 on each girl and they thought it was the best day ever. Jeremy and I stayed bummed for a bit about missing our dolphin cruise...

Moral of the Story: When you go out for pricey entertainment, leave the kids with someone who will take them shopping at the Dollar Store. They will be just as happy :)

1 comment:

Nana said...

So I still haven't seen them in those swimsuits you picked out for me to get them!