Today sweet Marion is 8 months old! How time flies! The thought of how close we are to her first birthday saddens and excites me all at the same time.
Little Marion....
- breastmilk, won't touch a bottle!
- babyfood, mostly stage 3, and she loves it!
- crunchy baby snacks, even though they say "for crawlers" and she isn't crawling yet, but she loves them!
- smushed bananas
- tiny pieces of bread
- rolls everywhere she want to go - and fast!
- can sit indefinitely
- get excited and throws her arms and legs around
- try to feed herself baby puffs... and is sometimes successful!
- pulls hair... a lot!... and has earned the nickname "The Puller!"
- Dadadadada
- Mamamama
- Nuhnuhnuh
Listen more closely: she's saying "Nana, nana, nana
Look at those eyes!!! Gorgeous!!!
I love her little dress! Great pictures xoxo
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