Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pee-Pee in the Pot-ty!!

Marion used the toilet for the first time this morning!! Not in the household one, but in her red Dora potty chair. It went something like this...

Mom: "Marion, stop taking your diaper off!"

*twenty minutes later*

Mom: "Marion, if you don't want to wear a diaper, you need to start using the potty!"

*Marion runs to sit on her Dora potty*

Mom: "Marion, if you make pee pee in that potty, I'll give you some candy."

Grace: "Candy?! When I was learning to go potty, you gave me DRIED FRUIT!!" (oh, the first and second child differences!!)

I absolutely did not expect her to go. She has sat on the potty, done nothing, wiped, and flushed for quite some time now... but then, she went!! Not just a tinkle, she filled that Dora potty up! The things a mommy gets excited over ;)

After we sang the potty song, and did the potty dance, she picked out a big pink sucker. As soon as she had swallowed the last bit, she asked for more. I promised more candy for more potty... she ran to the potty and did it again!! Five minutes later, she did it again. I am now only offering 3 Smarties for each tinkle. My baby LOVES candy :)

Congrats to my big girl Marion!! She has a big girl bed in her near future, and maybe she'll be looking cute in some big girl panties soon!!


Daddy said...


I think that is why you ended up giving Grace dried fruit. She found out she could get candy, and would go twenty times a day. I am proud of you guys. Miss and love you all.

allison said...

Yay Marion!! Good job! You're going to love your big girl panties.

Heather said...

YEAH Marion (and Juju) but I am jealous! Camille has absolutely NO interest... and I can not seem to tempt her with ANYTHING! EVEN meeting Cinderella at Disney! She is one hard headed little girl. Way to go Marion!