Saturday, February 28, 2009

say ahhhh!

On Tuesday Grace had her 3rd dental appointment. She started going when she turned 2 and has been every 6 months since. She sees a wonderful pediatric dentist. Really, it's more so the hygienists that are so fabulous. They play "tickle your teeth," and even let her play with the tools! All of that plus a princess toothbrush and a special prize at the end (this time it was a pink jump rope). Needless to say, Grace loves to go!
I, on the other hand, was a little apprehensive this time... umm... petrified, yeah. A few months ago I noticed lots of dark browns lines on most of Grace's front teeth. I scrubbed and scrubbed since and they weren't fading. Had I let my child get cavities on every freakin tooth in her mouth?! I was scared to death and ready to accept the Terrible Mom of the Year Award for letting my little girl's teeth rot.
I had been dreading the appointment but was anxious for it at the same time. When the hygentist called Grace's name, I ignored the sign that asked parents to stay in the waiting room and marched right back beside Grace. I quickly explained my concerns and she looked inside. She suspected the brown lines were iron stains, common in children who take vitamins. After about 10 seconds of scrubbing with some pumice grit, Grace's teeth are pearly white again... whew! Supposedly the iron stains cause no harm, but I'm glad they're gone. Grace had another happy day at the dentist - no cavities!

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