Saturday, August 30, 2008

Preparing for Gustav

We haven't done much over the past couple days other than prepare for Hurricane Gustav. Although he does look like he'll be passing a good bit west of us, you never know. Day 1 of the shopping was chaotic... the stores were quickly out of water and batteries and the gas stations were empty. By the next day there was plenty of gas around town and the grocery stores were well stocked again. Today I even saw crates of bottled water on clearance at Lowe's- they can't get rid of the stuff!

Well, today was my 3rd trip of hurricane shopping... I surely have enough to survive at our house for a month or two, way more than I may need... but isn't that how I always shop? :)

Anyway, today's trip was partly just to get Grace out of the house, we were still home around noon and she was feeling couped up (i.e. I couldn't sit down without her climbing all over me and she was just getting generally wild!) After a trip to Lowe's and to Target we returned home. Obviously not enough excitement for Grace! She asked if we could go outside and take pictures!?! Knowing how difficult it usually is to get a 2 year old to cooperate with a photo shoot, I gladly grabbed my camera and followed her directions. Here is what followed...

"the flowers match my dress!"

"now take my picture over here!"
(in the driveway, with the street in the background... I wasn't too into it! but hey, it came out kinda cute, she obviously knows more than I do!)

and finally, on the swingset, where we always end up!

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