Thursday, April 2, 2009

around the house

It has seemed we've been extra busy this week and I'm not sure why. Grace was sick on Monday, but we surely haven't done more than normal. Keeping the house clean, running my errands, and getting Grace to school on time has just seemed harder this week. Luckily, tomorrow is Friday, our "off day," no activities!

Grace got her tap outfit this week for her ballet recital in May. The song is "I Like to Ride the Pony on the Merry-Go-Round," and Grace was sure she would be dressing up as a pony... after the initial disappointment, she decided that she'll happily settle for pink princess! Here she is trying it on and striking a few poses...

Little Marion is just growing and growing...


allison said...

That is such a pretty ballerina costume!

Nana said...

What a cutie! And that costume - FanCY!!! Marion's a doll - I want to see her smile!