Friday, April 10, 2009

a good friday story...

as understood by a 3 year old!

"Mrs.Paula told me a Bible story. Jesus was playing with His friends, and then the soldiers came to get Him. And they brought Jesus to the man, and the man said, 'Jesus has to DIVE!'"

"Jesus has to dive? What does dive mean?"

"Dive! Dive in the water!"

"Oh, cool, Jesus had to dive in the water, I get it."

"No mom! It's not cool! It's VERY mean and WILD!"

This conversation was from the beginning of the week, and I asked Grace to tell me the story again today. She recanted it as shown above, but then explained that it...

"was dive, the second dive, not dive in the water. The second dive is dive in the icky sticky mud, because that's what Jesus had to do!"


allison said...

not the dive in water!! cute. the "bad dive". yes, it was a bad dive, grace. poor jesus. we remember that time every time this year.

Anonymous said...

Julia, you will never forget cute things like this! I still remember Greg's "Lord's Prayer"..."King Kong will come, his will be done."
Kids are so much fun! Happy Easter.

Mary Bounds