Tuesday, July 14, 2009

baby food... yum!

Marion had her first taste of baby food this week. She started eating cereal about a month and a half ago, but how much she's actually gotten down is questionable. She mostly spits it out over and over, as I spoon it back in over and over, until her bib is soaked and I feel like we've gotten some practice. She doesn't cry; she seems to like the ritual, but she just isn't into eating solids!

So since she didn't seem to be catching on all that well, I thought, "hey, maybe she just really hates rice cereal!" So last week at the grocery, I got a small stockpile of yummy baby food... bananas, pears and green peas! Here are photos from her first attempt at baby food!

All bibbed up and ready to try some bananas!

Her first jar of baby food... 2.5 ounces... the smallest jar they had!

Hmmm... this is new!

And she spits it out... over... and over... and over again!

All done!

I don't think she got much down on night 1, but she's had 3 meals since and does seems to be getting a little more down. I'm sure she'll be going through the jars in no time!


Heather said...

We skipped rice cereal altogether! A wasn't into it at all and Dr M said it was fine. So far, we've tried sweet potatoes and squash...she'd still rather have the boob though! :)

allison said...

She's so precious!

Heather said...

Camille had a hard time at first but caught on after a few weeks. She ended up loving baby food and could eat a couple size 2 jars at a time. Keep on trying Marion you will get it!!! Camille's favorite was pears.... but really she likes everything except peaches. She still hates them.