Thursday, September 23, 2010

A New Blogger in the House

I have been swamped!! Marion has had chicken pox for the last week and a half... it seems as if they are never going away at this point. I naively volunteered to be room mom for Grace's class. I thought that meant organizing their parties... yep, it meant that, along with organizing field day, and, oh yeah, our class's game at the big Seafood Jamboree this weekend! Anyway, I've been super busy, and I'm sorry for not keeping up more.

Jeremy has started a blog! He plans to document the progress of his shop and woodworking projects. He titled it Slices of the Honey Do, but I propose a new title... Why the Honey Do Goes Unfinished!! He's just getting started, check it out!

1 comment:

Annie Kellum said...

Tell Jeremy I'm impressed...ask him if he'd like to come to Indy and build one in my unfinished basement!! I know you are the best room mom. Tell Grace how proud we are of her and her award at school. Hugs to Marion, hope she is feeling better.