I'm very excited to start the "Elf on a Shelf" tradition with Grace this year. I wanted to last year, but she wasn't quite old enough to "get it," not to mention it was sold out everywhere. You buy a cute little Elf and he comes with a book that tells his story. You place him up high in your home somewhere and he watches the children's behavior everyday, leaving while you sleep to go report to Santa. When you wake in the morning, he will have returned and will be sitting in a new spot to watch the new day's activities. You may never touch the Elf, which is why he sits so high, because then he may lose his magic.
I told the story of the Elf to Grace and told her we need to get one soon so that he could start watching her and reporting her behavior to Santa. I thought she would be all about our new Elf friend (and that it would help her behave a little better for the next couple months!)... but her response...
"Mommy, I don't want to have an Elf at our house to watch me, I DON'T WANT ONE!" Hmmm, she understood better than I ever imagined... and she's not too keen on the little tattling Elf. Maybe when she sees him and all his cuteness she'll warm up to the idea, because we're still getting one! :)
Oh gee, you can't get away with anything anymore. Come to Nana's house, Gracie. We won't put an elf on the shelf!
I don't blame Grace one bit! That elf is just plain creepy! And who wants someone watching them all the time!?
I am still laughing at this story tonight! Heelarious!
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