Our 2nd Pouty Princess has arrived! Marion Blythe was born at 11:19 a.m. on January 22, 2009. She was 6 pounds and 13 ounces at birth and 20 inches long. We are still at the hospital and plan on going home tomorrow after lunch. Her birth went very well and was very quick! I'll post more as I have time! :)
I think it's safe to say I have 2 of the most beautiful nieces in the world! I'm so glad the labor went well. I can't wait to see you all next weekend and meet my new niece :) Love you all!
Julia, Jeremy and Grace congratulations on baby Marion. She is absolutely beautiful. We are thrilled for you all. We wish we could be there to meet her in person. Welcome to the world baby Marion.
I'm Julia, a mom to 2 Pouty Princesses. We live in Sugar Land, Texas. Life is sweet :)
Jeremy is the father to 2 Pouty Princesses, and works as a Marine Superintendent for a drilling contractor.
She's 6 years old and attends first grade at an awesome school right down the street. Grace is a sweet and loving child and loves all things artsy!
Our sweet baby girl is 3 years old. She attends preschool 2 mornings a week, but wishes she could go to school every day like her big sister! She is sweet and spirited and a joy to be around.
I think it's safe to say I have 2 of the most beautiful nieces in the world! I'm so glad the labor went well. I can't wait to see you all next weekend and meet my new niece :) Love you all!
Welcome to the world, baby Marion! Two beautiful little girls - what a blessing! Congratulations!
So sweet! Congratulations to you all...we can't wait to meet little Marion. Love, Annie, Grandma, and family
Yay! She's beautiful! I think we have another blond!! :) I can't wait to meet her.
Julia, Jeremy and Grace congratulations on baby Marion. She is absolutely beautiful. We are thrilled for you all. We wish we could be there to meet her in person. Welcome to the world baby Marion.
Congrats! What a joy! She is beautiful!
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