On Wednesday we celebrated with Marion's Mommy and Me class...
The part of this story that really cracks me up is that purple really isn't her favorite (PINK is!!). Purple was just the best color when the only choices were purple, green and gold. Yes, it was a mardi gras butterfly... I guess the bakery is getting in the spirit!
As you see in the photo, Marion was mesmerized by the fire. About 10 seconds after it was taken, she yanked the napkin in an attempt to pull the cupcake into her reach. Well, the whole thing toppled over and the combination of flying fire and babies made the whole room gasp a little. A friend of mine was video taping the whole thing and I still haven't brought myself to watch it... kinda scared of seeing the awful faces I make as the cupcake and lit candle went flying!
Anyway, if you're still worried about Grace, yes, there were plenty of purple cupcakes left over. We've celebrated Marion's birthday over and over with the leftovers! If you're wondering about Marion's party, yes, she will have one... Mommy's just running a bit behind.