Monday, February 22, 2010

late night

Grace, with her glowing finger from the pulse-ox

Yep, we made another trip to the emergency room last night. Grace had a cough during the day and then started getting short of breath around bedtime. By 10:00pm it had gotten pretty bad, so we woke up Marion, dropped her off at a friend's house and headed to the ER.

It was a MUCH better ER experience than last time. We were taken right back, and after breathing treatments, chest x-rays and steroids, we got to go home. We made it home before 1am, which definitely beats being admitted! Her chest xray looked a little funky, so the diagnosis was the same as last time- bronchitis with underlying asthma. Coincidentally (or maybe not), she had an awful bloody nose earlier in the day. Has anyone ever heard of bloody noses and asthma going together? I'll definitely be watching out for it from now on.

Cute stories from the ER! { I'm currently reading a book about making the best of bad happenings ;) }

The nurse announced that she was going to get a "pulse-ox" for Grace. Grace got super excited, "She said she's going to get me COOL SOCKS to wear!!!" Oh well, no new socks, but she thinks the glowing finger is pretty darn cool too!

Marion often gets on Grace's nerves. After all, she's getting into EVERYTHING these days! In fact, last week she told me she wanted Marion to go to the other private school in town, not the one SHE is going to! Hmph! That was mean! Well, when we were driving home at 12:45 this morning (in a terrible thunderstorm), Grace asked about picking Marion up. I told her that Marion was staying at a friend's house and she started crying over and over, "I miss Maymay, I want Maymay!" She started again at 6:45 this morning... "Oh, I miss Maymay, let's go get her!" Who knows, it's very possible she was just jealous that Marion was having a slumber party! Maybe though, she really loves her baby sis!


allison said...

I'm sorry to hear Grace had a rough night. I'm glad to hear she's ok though! Talk to y'all soon!

Nana said...

She looks so adorable - picture of health in this photo! I think she better get some cool socks to wear!