Wednesday, February 10, 2010

may may is moving!!!

Marion at her Mommy and Me Valentine Party

Little May May has been hitting lots of milestones lately. Today she wore black for the first time! I'm sure this sounds a bit trivial to many of you reading this; but to me, it's a big deal. I don't recall putting Grace in black and hot pink until she was about two and a half (and she only wore black once before that; a black and white gingham Halloween bishop). Black just doesn't have that fresh sweet innocence that I think baby clothes should have. Anyway, I got these matching tees at Target, and I think Marion looked pretty darn cute! She was thrilled with her Valentine treats... baby likes to eat!!

Marion is also still a star student according to her physical therapist. She now pulls up to standing on her own, cruises (very slowly!), and will take steps behind a walker wagon. She's really catching up fast!

Pulling up

We have to bribe her with food... this day it was Fruity Cheerios!

Enjoying her reward, she made it!

I must not forget to acknowledge my lovely assistant who puts out the rewards and cheers on Marion during "physical pherapy!"

Marion has found some motivation of her own too. She loves to open drawers, pull up on them, and empty them. Yes, those are plastic knives... you should have heard the tantrum when I took them away! As we were getting ready to go eat dinner tonight, she did this in my bathroom. She was emptying my nail polish drawer when the hot pink one broke... it went all over her and the floor. Ugh!! I won't complain too much though; because truly, I'm glad she's motivated and exploring :)

1 comment:

Nana said...

Kudos to Marion & her lovely assistant, Grace!