Tuesday, February 16, 2010

this is not why I live in the south!!!!

I'm Southern. I lived the first 17 years of my life in south Louisiana and south Mississippi. It snowed once, 1993. The farthest north I've ever lived was Auburn, Alabama. I think it snowed once in the 7 years I lived there. Being the true Southerner that I am, I slipped in an iced over parking lot and busted my ass. I moved back to South Mississippi less than 3 years ago. This is a picture of my house taken last weekend...it was the 4th snow in under 3 years!! (For the record, I once again slipped in an iced over parking lot and busted my ass during snow #3... this time holding a baby that I cradled like a football as I went down. She didn't even seem to notice that we fell- it happened that fast.) Honestly, I'm kinda over it. I like cool weather... you know, when it's about 60 degrees and sunny. This past weekend was much too cold for me. Luckily Marion remembered how cold she was last month when it snowed and screamed the second she was taken out in it this time. She and I stayed inside and stayed warm together.

Daddy and Grace played for hours...

I know I must sound like quite the scrooge, I'll explain! I was preparing for Marion's 1st birthday party. I had an outdoor party planned, and the snow didn't particularly go with my theme! Also, our whole little town seemed to shut down at the mention of snow. Businesses were closing early and the grocery stores sold out of bread among many other things. I am just so ready for Spring!!!

1 comment:

Nana said...

Ditto! (But I really enjoyed the party anyway)