Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Baby Marion has brought so much joy to our home... along with a little jealousy and confusion for Big Sister Grace. There are a few things Grace doesn't understand...

Why does Marion sleep in your room? Marion needs to sleep in her room!

Why is Marion still awake? Marion needs to go to bed too.

What is Marion doing with your boobie?

It really sunk in for me yesterday morning. We were still exhausted from getting up with Marion over night. Grace came in our room to wake us up but didn't climb into bed as usual. She then left and went into the kitchen. After a few minutes, Jeremy went into the kitchen to find Grace sitting at the kitchen table feeling down. She told him that she thought we didn't love her anymore because we hadn't gotten out of bed. I was absolutely crushed... talk about breaking a mommy's heart!
Since then I've been trying my hardest to give Grace lots of individual attention and to do things just for her.
Yesterday we had a "fancy lunch." Jeremy and I wore our Snow White and Prince Charming costumes from Halloweens past. We had lots of Grace's favorite foods and drank real tea from her new tea set. I've also been leaving Marion at home with Jeremy and picking Grace up from school.
Surely this will pass and soon Grace won't even remember life as an only child. ;)


mandi said...

Okay I am so giving you both the...
"parents of the year" award!
1. for doing that for your awesome of you both!

2. for ever wearing those costumes to begin with. meredith would be ecstatic, but I probablywould never do it. I know ashame!

and my second point, you are so right in a few months, grace will have no clue what it will be like to be an only child. It took several with Meredith and now I even though she would give him away most days, I know she loves noah. she cries when my mom says she is taking him with her. She loves him and loves playing with him and one day your girls will too. Just do what you are doing and make lots of time for her. Can't wait to see ya tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Julia - You and Jeremy are wonderful parents! What a fabulous idea, a special lunch for Grace. I'm certain she loved the lavish lunch and having both of your undivided attention. I'm sure Grace will come around, her entire world has been rocked but she'll soon enough love being a big sister.

Adalyn's World Views said...

I'm with Mandi. Yall get POY!!!!! When Jeremy said a fancy tea I was thinking cups or something. Way to go!!! I can't wait to meet the baby but don't worry I will give Grace lots of attention first. It is a hard adjustment.

Anonymous said...

Aww! I told you I need to come see Grace. She's so sweet. The pictures of your fancy lunch are adorable. I love it.