Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Marion is a Big Girl!

Well, maybe not yet, but she's getting there! Today was my baby's first day of Mom's Day Out. She'll go from 9 until 1, two days a week. She cried for a minute when I walked out of the door, but then she was good. When I picked her up, she was soooo cute!! She ran toward me, yelling "Mama! Mama!" When she got halfway, she started kissing the air, and didn't stop until she was in my arms kissing me! She is such a sweetie!! I hope to get that reaction every time I pick her up! I think it will be wonderful for Marion to have this time to play with little ones her own age!
Marion and her backpack... she didn't want to wear it.

Marion is walking very well, even running at times! She can also carry around armfuls of treasures! Marion is very close to being discharged from physical therapy. Last week her visits were decreased from once a week to once a month. She is pretty much age appropriate for motor skills now.

Marion's speech has had huge improvement just over the last week. In the past, when you told her, "Say _____," she would just stare back at you quietly. Now, she always tries to say what you ask of her!! Most things don't sound much like what they should, but some do!

Marion says... mama, dada, nana, paw paw, yeah and no very clearly, and she makes a variety of animal sounds. There are other things she says that I understand what she means, although they don't come out perfect, such as milk, dog, and up. She continues to have speech therapy once a week, so hopefully, now that she's more willing to talk, we'll see much improvement!


Annie Kellum said...

Yeah Marion...such a cutie!
Julia...You're free! well at least for 8 hours a week...LOL:)

Southern Girl and family said...

YAY!! So glad she is walking and running around!! :) She looked precious on her first day of school!!

allison said...

Aww! She looks so little next to the bookbag!