If you ever find yourself in Miami, you must visit the Miami Seaquarium!! It was awesome!!

Parrot holding is a big deal in Miami... we did this at a few places!

These anchors are from the ships of the Spanish Silver Plate Fleet, all sunk by a hurricane off Key Largo in July 1733.

This model is a life sized replica of a humpback whale's tail encrusted with barnacles.

Driving motorizes boats. Hey Dad, give the girls a turn!

A model of a Carcharodon Megalodon, the largest shark that ever lived! They ruled the seas from 20 million years ago, until 1.5 million years ago. They could reach over 60 feet in length and weigh over 100 tons!

One of many dolphin tanks.

This fish reminded us of Paw Paw's African Cichlids.

The sea lions, resting before a performance.

A shark feeding!! It was wild, just what you would expect. They were jumping out of the water and fighting with each other over the food.

...and then the girls and I went fishing, and caught this monster shark ;)

Home of Lolita, the Killer Whale!!

Lolita has lived at the Miami Seaquarium for 40 years. It is the longest a killer whale has ever lived in captivity.
The Sea Lions!!! They were Grace's favorite. It might have had something to do with the Little Mermaid music that played during the show :)

Off the diving board!!

Dancing with the trainers!

These are the "Flipper Dolphins." The show was partly filmed here and some of these dolphins are offspring of the original Flippers!

Petting stingrays.

Grace posing with a dolphin statue. We saw 3 dolphin shows this day!

This was the "Top Deck Dolphin Show." It was the most up-close. Everyone got splashed while classic rock music blared from the speakers! So much fun!


Alligators! or Crocodiles! Who knows?! Obviously not me :)
Great pics...looks like you guys had a fun trip!!
Looks like a lot of fun! Great pictures.
What a charming and delightful website . . . and great publicity for the Miami Seaquarium, too! The Seaquarium is a wonderful testament to the excellent care marine mammals receive in captivity.
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