Sunday, March 22, 2009

spring break/marion's first trip to the beach!

This past week was Grace's Spring Break from school. She was quite disappointed when she found out she'd be missing it all week.

"Where am I going today? to school?"

"No, this week is Spring Break, there is no school."

No, I want to go to school, we're learning about Spring, then colors, then Easter. That's what Mrs.Paula said."

Aww, poor girl got confused when Mrs.Paula was going over the schedule!

We mostly stayed around the house and played with friends this week, but we also did a little Spring shopping, and we even managed to hit the beach on Friday and have a picnic lunch.

She ended up having a great week, but she'll be happy to be back in her routine tomorrow.

Our trip to the neighborhood beach Friday was another "first" for Marion. It was pretty eventful for her too! A friend was gracious enough to loan me a tent to keep Marion out of the sun. Too bad there are no photos of me pitching that tent... hysterical! Well, I finally got it up with some help....

All was well, Baby Marion was snoozing away in the tent.... but then a strong gust of wind came. The tent set sail; yes, with little Marion inside! Panic! I swooped her out before she even noticed (I don't think she even woke up) and then I found the anchors I had thrown back into the box thinking I didn't need them! Little Marion enjoyed her first trip to the beach, adventure and all!


mandi said...

Oh the tent made me laugh tonight! Meredith cannot wait for gymnastics and school this week. Sweet relief to be back on her schedule.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, I REALLY wanted to take pictures of the tent pitching, but I thought you'd kill me! It really was pretty funny!

Cute pics! ;)