Saturday, May 16, 2009

my littlest water baby... mother's day

Jeremy, Grace and Marion all helped to make this homemade bouquet for me for Mother's Day. Isn't it lovely?! The did it along with some friends while us mommies were having a girl's night out. Grace was so excited and couldn't wait to give it to me... but she did wait! This was her first successful secret keeping!!! She even teared up one night telling me, "but I just want to tell you your surprise!!!"

She also made me a handprint plate at school. The teacher sent it home wrapped with a note that read, "Do not open until Mother's Day!" Grace handed it to me immediately when I picked her up and yelled as excited as could be... "It's a glass plate!!!!" I did wait to open it :)

Jeremy and the girls also gave me a gift certificate to a boutique... that's already spent ;), and a gift certificate to a spa... that probably won't get spent because I have to go sans kiddos, which is seeming as impoosible as ever with preschool out!

After gifts, we packed up and headed to a friend's pool. We had so much fun! Both girls loved the water and Jeremy and I really needed the break from the unpacking!

Marion relaxing poolside in her bouncy seat!

Grace jumped right in! It was her first time in the pool this summer. I'm loving the floaties now that I have two to handle!

Our attempt at a group shot.

Just Daddy and May May, Grace swam off!

I'm not sure what was going through my head in the following sequence... apparently, I just snapped away as my 3 year old dumped a bucket of water on my 3 month old... not okay!! Marion cried a little, but got over it fast.... Mommy's so sorry honey!

a happy Mommy!

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