Saturday, May 23, 2009

playing catch up!

ok, I've been a bit stressed this past week and I missed a few things. let's play catch-up!

Marion's gotten pretty chunky!!

Grace had a dress rehearsal for the recital next weekend.

Yes, sometimes Grace gets out of the bath, puts her undies on, and hangs out naked for a while... but that's not the point of this picture! I was busy getting myself ready and Marion was getting upset in her swing. Grace rode up on her wheely bug and started talking and singing to Marion. Marion looked at her big sister, stopped crying, and started smiling. It was the first time that had happened and it was so sweet!

Cousin Lillie made her First Communion at St.Charles in Picayune. The girls got all dressed up! They behaved surprisingly well through the service, with a little entertainment from Nana and Paw Paw.
Lillie and Uncle Tim cutting the cake at the Mexican restaurant afterward.

Grace and Cousin Lillie... Grace actually asked me to take a picture of her with Lillie. She totally thought Lillie looked like a princess in her First Communion dress!

1 comment:

allison said...

those ballerina pictures are precious. i love the way she is so photogenic and poses for the camera