Well, we didn't make it to see Grandma today, she passed away last night. I'll miss her so much, as she was one of the sweetest, most trustworthy, and most sincere people that I've ever known. There were plenty of tears in our home last night! This is the first death Grace has really been aware of, and she's taken it hard. I didn't seem to be the best consoler, since everything I said just made her cry harder. I tried to explain that heaven was a happy place, and that she was now with Paw Paw Benton, but that just sent her into misery over never meeting Paw Paw Benton. It ended with her crying herself to sleep in bed. She woke up happy this morning, has had a few sad moments, but was mostly good. Nana and Paw Paw returned from Asheville today and visited on their way home, so she went to sleep happy tonight. Saturday we will be in New Orleans for her funeral at St.Philip Neri with Father Saloy. I am happy to be going back to her church. I have many memories of going with her as a child and know how very important it was to her. Although it will be a very sad day, I am looking forward to seeing all of my extended family that I don't see often.
With so much going on, I decided to cancel our trip next week. We will actually be going again next month, same beach, same hotel... so I'm not too worried about it. A big contributer to that decision was Marion's surgery. She is now getting tubes THIS TUESDAY!!! I am thrilled that Dr.H's sweet nurse was able to put her on the schedule so soon.
Grace's asthma seems to have improved too... she didn't even have a breathing treatment today. I'm feeling more calm and at peace today with everything... missing my sweet Grandma, but knowing she's happy where she is o:)
I'm tearing up thinking about seeing Grace go through that for the first time. I'm sorry, Julia. Good luck with the tubes.
I am so sorry for you loss. I will keep you guys in our prayers.
You guys are all in my prayers! We love you!!!!!
Grandma's(aka Lil) life revolved around her family and she would be so pleased to read your lovely tribute. Yes, I also always felt such sincere love & acceptance from her. She will be greatly missed & lovingly remembered.
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