Tuesday, June 22, 2010


My nerves are shot, I have 100 worries on my mind and it's only Tuesday... at least it's 5 o'clock, I'll start pouring the wine now! The first worry that came along is one I know well... asthma. Grace started her all-too-familiar, nonproductive cough this morning. I gave her a breathing treatment and dropped her off at St.T for vacation bible school. During VBS, she had a small nosebleed, something that usually seems to come along with her asthma, although the ENT doesn't think it's related. The day has gone on, she's had a couple more breathing treatments, and she seems to be fine. Although, always in the back of my mind is the fear that we may end up in the ER again. She seems fine now though!

I've also been terribly sad all day, thinking about my sweet 92 year old grandmother, Lil, whose health is fading fast. When I heard that she was doing badly today, I wanted to pack up the kids and head to New Orleans. Problem was, as usual, we were booked to the hilt around here. So, a trip to the city is planned for tomorrow... after vacation bible school and Marion's speech therapy. I hope we are able to see her one last time. Sweet Grace saw me crying today and asked what was wrong. When I told her I was sad because Grandma was very old and very sick, she burst into tears of her own :(

This afternoon's agenda included Marion's ENT appointment that I had been waiting weeks for... After one and a half hours with two kids in a doctor's office, we left with an appointment for tubes and a set of tiny, MayMay-sized earplugs. The fluid was still there and still as thick as ever. He told me tubes were coming before he even looked in the left ear. So, I got my wish, I wanted the tubes. Problem is, I wanted them last week, and her appointment is three weeks from today. I was so excited when Dr.H said "I'm getting her tubes, and we're gonna get it done fast!" He left the room and in came his nurse with the calendar. He does surgery on Tuesday and Friday mornings. This Friday was booked, followed by a week that we'll be on vacation, which was followed by a week he'll be on vacation. Ahh, just plain bad luck on a day that my sanity needed some good luck! I hate that Marion will be hearing the world underwater for three more weeks. I also wonder if it has been affecting her balance. Three. More. Weeks. Ugh!!!

So yes, a vacation with a beach and a pool is in my future. A week in Fort Lauderdale, where Jeremy will be taking a class at a maritime school. Beside the perks of the beach, I also enjoy hotel living... no dishes, and that 100 square foot hotel room is way easier to keep clean that my house :)

1 comment:

allison said...

I'm sorry things have been so hard on you lately. Yesterday, I made something for Grace that I'm going to give to her. I made a collage print of me holding Grace during her baptism with a recent picture I took with her at the baby shower. I was going to frame it and give it to her, so she can remember her Godmother. :)