Thursday, June 10, 2010

Slowly but Surely

Marion is 16 months old now. She isn't walking yet, but she is getting more and more stable. She continues physical therapy once a week and just last week she began speech therapy. I know some of you are reading this and thinking I'm rather crazy, and I've already heard it. I even heard it from the ENT I brought her to see last week, who said, "She's 16 months old, what the heck do you want her to say?!" Although he did poke fun a bit, he also saw thick "glue-like" fluid in both of Marion's ears. Neither ear was infected, but we are going back on the twenty-second of this month for a recheck. There is no way to tell how long it has been there, so he would like to give it a chance to go away on it's own. So now I wait, and HOPE that my sweet baby has to undergo a small surgery. You see, draining the fluid from her ears offers a great chance that her balance will improve and her speech will also improve, since she'll be able to hear better. I'll take any help I can get at this point!
Marion walks behind push toys and pulls up and cruises around everywhere. She also has gotten pretty good at climbing, she's even scared me a couple times! She can walk side by side with me holding onto one of my hands for a short distance.
Such a sweet girl!

1 comment:

allison said...

Those are precious pictures! She looks so happy. I'm really hoping the tubes will do something for her stability. That'll be awesome! Good luck May May.