Friday, September 19, 2008

lovebug update!

I've been doing everything I can think of to ease Grace's fear of lovebugs. We talk about them all the time... those lovey buggies love to land on you and tickle you... and we've been spending as much time outdoors as she can stand. We also listen to The Jonas Brother's "Love Bug" all the time. Grace requests "the love bug song" often. In her mind it about nothing more than those black bugs, and I think it really is helping her learn to love those pesky creatures. Thanks to the Jonas Brothers for your great timing in releasing this song; you have your littlest #1 Fan!

Despite our constant efforts, we haven't totally gotten over it, but here's where we're at...

I've been going into preschool everyday to pick Grace up instead of going through the car line. That way, I can talk to her teachers about her day and ask any random questions that I have come up with in my 3 hours without her... yes, I'm that mom... but she's only 2, I think I have a few more years before you can call me a "helicopter mom." On Tuesday, Grace had a major lovebug encounter at recess and totally freaked. On Wednesday, she sat in Ms. Ginny's lap the whole recess, and Ms. Ginny acted as her personal bug deflector. I hated to hear that. I know Grace would have loved to be playing with her friends instead of sitting in the teacher's lap... just too worried about the bugs. After school on Wednesday, I made a playdate for Grace at the neighborhood park with her friend Chandler, who I know loves all bugs! I figured Chandler could show Grace that bugs could be "cool and fun!"

It worked! Here are the girls playing with bugs! This was a BIG step for Grace!

Of course, she got some playtime in on the jungle gym also...

... and on to Thursday... On Thursday when I asked Ms. Paula how Grace did at recess, I got this response: "She did much better. She was a little nervous at first but got over it and was singing and dancing for everyone on the playground." On our way home, I asked Grace what song she had been singing... of course, it was "the love bug song!"

She 's doing a little better, but I have a feeling we'll be over the bugs about the time they leave anyway!

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