Wednesday, September 17, 2008

marion blythe

she will no longer be referred to as "baby girl," she has been been named...

marion blythe!

marion was taken from my maternal grandmother marion...

marion is pictured with nana and aunt linda on her lap

I began thinking about using marion a while ago and the more I thought about it, the more I liked it. marion means "wished-for child," which is very true. it sounds so fresh but classic to me and even ends with the "-n" sounds that's all the current rage in baby naming! ;)

I have had the most trouble choosing a middle name. I decided that one syllable would be preferable, since marion coupled with our last name is already a lot! I had a short list of options and took my time to really figure it out. I read that blythe meant "happy" - that was it, I knew it was perfect. a wish of happiness for her life... what could be better?

grace made this "m" at school and has been telling visitors to our home that "m is for marion."

I am so excited that baby has a name! let the ordering and monogramming begin! :)


mandi said...

I love the name, what a beautiful choice!

Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled you're naming her after Mom.

Aunt Linda

Jamie said...

What a beautiful picture!! Where did you find that??


Julia said...

Hey Jamie! My mom has it. I scanned it from her a couple years ago when I was doing a black and white collage down the staircase at our old house in Auburn. Hope you're doing well!!

Jess said...

So pretty!