Tuesday, September 23, 2008

marion update!

I had an appointment with the doctor this morning as well as another ultrasound. Before the ultrasound, I got a quick speech about how the cyst would still be there, as it is usually 28-30 weeks before they go away. She searched and searched, even did side by side comparisons with the last ultrasound, and couldn't find it. It's gone!!

When my doctor walked in, he said, "I hear we have a little miracle today!" I'm so happy and relieved! Here are some pictures of Marion from this morning...

Also, I have to note how wonderful my doctor is. After the appointment, he made a point to make sure I was not charged for today's ultrasound! How nice is that?!

and a little update on Grace... she had a GREAT day at school!! Ms.Paula told me she did the best of all the kiddos today, as many were cranks today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news! What a relief!