Wednesday, September 10, 2008

she's not feelin' the love

it's that time of year again. for those of you who live far enough north that you are wondering where this is going... let me fill you in! twice a year these tiny creatures take over the south! at first you'll see one, within a week there are thousands. the front of every car around is plastered with a smelly graveyard of white and black (which btw, will destroy the paint on your car and can even clog your radiator - yes! it's that bad!). they swarm in your yard and will even try to sneak into your home...


now onto my story....

as I've mentioned before, Grace loves school. I was quite surprised when picking her up today. Ms. Ginny approached me and blurted out, "you didn't tell us that Grace was deathly afraid of lovebugs!!!" I swear, she said it in a tone as if I had not warned them of a serious allergy that had sent them rushing to the ER. she went on to tell me that while they were on the playground at recess, a lovebug had the nerve to land on the one child that it could easily send into orbit over such an occurance. there was screaming, crying, and major fear and panic.

the truth is, it's not just lovebugs, she detests all bugs, no matter size, stinger or color. anyone who's been in a restaurant with Grace as a bug suddenly appears can attest to the sheer look of horror on her face as she yells, "shoo!! shoo!!"

I assured Ms.Ginny that I would talk to Grace about it to try to ease her anxiety... the lovebugs won't be gone anytime soon. we talked all the way home about how fun it was to have lovebugs land on you, tickling your skin. she really had started to seem into it and was excited about going home to play with these new bugs! well... talk is cheap as we all know, and once we were in the backyard... she didn't want one within 10 feet of her, much less tickling her.

what to do?! I'll keep trying and hopefully Grace and the lovebugs can learn to live together in peace... at least on the school playground.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nasty smelling, irritating lovebugs - even the birds won't eat them! Where do they belong in the ecosystem?? But at least they don't bite: people & plants are not in danger.

I remember playing with Gracie on her swing set last spring. We were having a great time til a bug landed on her. Yikes! She was ready to go in - NOW!! So now I know why.