Monday, November 3, 2008

27 weeks

10 weeks to go if Baby Marion arrives when Grace did... we'll see! Now that I have my mind set on the 37 week mark, I'll probably still be pregnant at 42!
I am feeling pretty good lately. About 2 weeks ago, I had blood drawn to test for gestational diabetes. The nurse called afterward to let me know that I did not have the gestational diabetes, but that my blood count was low, and I would need to start taking iron supplements. Hearing this was actually a relief! I had been so exhausted all the time, from morning to night, but had used the pregnancy to excuse it. Hearing that my blood count was low gave me hope that I may start feeling better soon!
I have now been taking over 600% of the daily recommended value of iron for about a week. IT HAS WORKED!! I feel so much better! I'm waking up rested and I feel much better throughout the day! Alleluia!
As for the nursery, it's really coming together. The drapes are up and the skirt and sheet are on the crib. There is still much accessorizing to be done, but it's looking good!


mandi said...

Pictures Please!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Pictures!
But I'm glad you're feeling better :)

Julia said...

sorry y'all, it's still a little bare and I'm not ready to post pics... but you're both welcome to drop by and see! :)