Thursday, October 16, 2008

from the pantry door....

Today wrapped up Grace's "Under the Big Top" unit at school; next week they move onto "Fire Safety." Here are some highlights...

Grace marching in the circus parade at school. Mrs.Ginny gave me this picture when I picked Grace up. She mentioned that Grace would be sure to like it since Benjamin was in it. He's the boy in front of her in the blue and yellow. Grace talks about him ALL THE TIME! Last month he was upset at snack time... supposedly, "Benjamin wanted cookies and Mrs.Paula said no cookies Benjamin, we have goldfish today. Benjamin cried and cried, Mommy." We heard about it for weeks!

Grace's circus baton she carried in the parade

C is for Circus!

Circus Clown

A circus elephant made from Grace's handprint.

Number 4, the number of the week!

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